Our passion for care is born out of a heart of compassion as opposed to a mere obligation to follow dos and don’ts! Zera Care Support aims to provide a managed qualitative service that offers a future to individuals who need it and also be able to see each individual service user maintain his or her confidence, skills, self-respect, lifestyle and prospect that are comfortable and at a level that they feel is possible for them to manage independently whereas, remain in their own environment including within their local communities.OUR MISSION
To provide a high standard of professional care and support that enables our clients to thrive as well as growing and enhancing our diverse group of employees. We consistently seek to achieve this aim by employing a holistic approach to what we do; we are eager and always looking at how best we can improve our practices to deliver better levels of care and support to our clients.WHAT MAKES US SPECIAL
We have a standard care provision, our services are flexible and tailored to suit the needs of an individual.
We provides a range of care packages to help service users to bridge the move from hospitals or residential care homes to living independently in their own homes.
Zera Care Support services aim to provide a managed qualitative service that offers a future to individuals who need it and also be able to see each individual service user maintain his or her confidence, skills, self-respect, lifestyle and prospect that are comfortable and at a level that they feel is possible for them to manage independently whereas, remain in their own environment including within their local communities.WHY CHOOSE US
Zera Care Support Ltd provides a range of care packages to help service users to bridge the move from hospitals or residential care homes to living independently in their own homes. We offer supported housing and trained staff to help individuals maintain stable mental health, develop independent living skills, and access community services. Whilst we have a standard care provision, our services are flexible and tailored to suit the needs of an individual. We bridge the gap between hospitals and residential homes. Our commitment is to provide 24/7 supported living services to ensure service users are able to live more independently, with all the care they require. we work closely with other care providers to deliver the best outcomes and quality of life for our service users. As part of that commitment, we take a person-centred approach and help our service users develop vital life skills that promote independence.WHAT PEOPLE SAY
Health is cherished by all, but nobody can stay healthy throughout their entire life. In times of sickness, we often can’t take care of ourselves. In such situations, we take the help of caregivers.Kind people are rare to find this days. But it is people like you who make me believe in kindness.