Zera care is a 24 hours Supported living that provides premium and quality services to individuals aged 18 and above 65 who are in the care of the local authority the care leaver and disability team. Services offered will be based on an assessment of the care leaver’s needs and be part of their pathway plan.

The core values embedded in our beliefs and daily performance include:



Our vision is to be recognized for providing first-class supported living services to our looked after Adults in a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment; one in which we would be happy to treat our own families. We believe that with the appropriate support and guidance, every Adult has the potential to develop the motivation and skills they need to lead a fulfilling and rewarding life. Our aim is to create a supportive environment in which to facilitate each service user access to education or vocational training, and to support them on to a diverse range of employment opportunities.  We recognise the challenges  Adults may encounter as they prepare to leave local authority care and make the transition into independent life. We believe that by providing  Adults with positive role models, and dedicated, empathetic, experienced support staff, we can successfully equip them with the life skills they need to move forward and make positive contributions to their wider communities.


Our homes accommodate no more than 5 service users, careful matching to be considered. The service includes two on-site staff members whose role is to manage risk, work in partnership with our service user’s professional network, family members and monitor our service user’s activities Our staff are trained to deescalate and or seek to prevent all potential situations and incidents before they occur. The individuals that we accommodate, and support may have varying needs which may include the following:

• Learning Disabilities

• Autistic spectrum disorder

• Challenging behaviors

• Mental health issues


Zera care Supported living services accommodates service users that are making the transition from residential placements and foster care too independent living. We consider all Adults from different backgrounds and are a firm believer in equal opportunities. Each Adult referred to our service will have a matching risk assessment undertaken to ensure that they do not compromise the care needs of other Adults placed within the home. There would need to be dialogue with the existing service user’s placing authority.
A comprehensive needs and risk assessment in place, prior to placement. Zera Care Support are unable to accommodate service users with physical disabilities that prevent them from climbing the stairs due to the layout of our homes.


Appropriate care/support plan and risk assessment information will be required prior to admission. We will also conduct our matching risk assessment to ensure that we can fully meet the requirements of the service user and assess any impact on other service user placed. Furthermore, a placement planning meeting will need to take place with the local authority within 72 hours of admission. We are able to accommodate Adults requiring emergency placements at the service, but this would follow the same admissions procedure. We will not consider referrals for Adults where we could not meet their needs effectively.


The aim of the service is to:

• For Adults to develop trusting, safe and secure relationships.

• For Adults to have their views heard and to participate in all aspects of planning for their care plan/ support plan.

• To provide a service where Adults feel safe, secure and valued.

• To provide a professional service that can assist and make recommendations on a service user emotional, behavioral and developmental needs empowering them to identify strategies that enable them to manage effectively when faced with difficulties

• To risk assess all referrals including, assessing the risk for Adults already in placement.

• The physical and emotional health for each Adult, is monitored and there is a plan to ensure that all their health needs are met.

• Address wider support needs and build connections and opportunities necessary for personal development and achievement in every area.


In relation to Adults:

• To ensure that the service is delivered within a person centred and equality framework. We want an environment free from prejudice and discriminatory

• To provide Adults with accommodation that is encouraging of personal choice, appropriate, stable and has a ‘homely feeling’.

• To encourage and enable Adults to maintain/develop positive relationships with their professional and local connections

• To respect Adults’ privacy and confidentiality

• To record and evidence the outcomes achieved through our services.

• To ensure Adults have the skills and knowledge to access support services in the wider community

• To have zero tolerance of any alerts of a safeguarding nature. Progress to be
reviewed regularly

• To place Adults’ needs at the heart of service design and delivery and to encourage Adults’ feedback and involvement in decision-making processes and house activities

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